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Contact us

If you would like to enquire about any of our cakes please use the contact form below or email Aurelia directly at

You may also phone or send a text message to Aurelia on 07545077848, Wednesday - Friday 10.00am - 5:00pm.  Saturday 9:30am - 11:30am. If there is no answer Aurelia may be working on a cake, so please leave a message with your name and contact number and Aurelia will call you back.


For general enquiries please use the email form below. All fields are required. ​Please provide as much information as possible with your enquiry including the date of your event and the number of people to cater for. Please click the "Submit" button once done.

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Aurelia's Cake is home based at 42 Wallace Street, Bannockburn, Stirling, FK7 8JG

Aurelia's Cake

42 Wallace Street, Bannockburn, Stirling Fk7 8JG


Tel: 07545077848

Copyright ©  2017 by Aurelia's Cake™.  All Rights Reserved

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